Monday, January 7, 2008

What I Love About New York

Since I thought about those things I love about Los Angeles, I felt I should do the same for this city, now my home.

1. I love the Union Square Farmer's Market, even on a cold day where you can purchase endless varieties of apples.
2. I love that Trader Joe's and just about any other store will deliver all of your purchases.
3. I love that I can put on a full length fur coat and get on a cross town bus, knowing that not one person on the bus would give me a second glance.
4. I love that I can order a book online from Barnes and Noble, and have it delivered that very afternoon.
5. I love walking down a street, only to discover a cobble-lined street of old carriage houses, all of it reminding you of this city's long history, but also a time when Edith Wharton had lived.
6. I love the sense of anonymity the city affords you.
7. I love that a walk down any street will surely make you think about all of life's absurdities and cruelties, no matter where you are in the city.
8. I love that the bus driver and riders will wait patiently as another wheel chair bound rider gets hoisted up on to the bus, making you realize how fortunate you are to have the ability to walk on and off.
9. I love that you can get into a cab, never knowing what language will be spoken by the driver into his Blue Tooth ear piece.
10. I love that New Yorkers view "eating out" an event, much like attending the opera, going to the museum, or going to see a movie.
11. I love that you will walk into a restaurant on a Saturday night and know every woman will be dressed, not a pair of jeans in sight.
12. I love that sample sales are another subculture of this city.
13. I love being on a subway or bus, noticing how many people are reading books, magazines, or even the Post during their daily commute.
14. I love that every street, no matter where you live, will have a Duane Reade, a Bodegga, a bagel shop, dry cleaners, Dunkin Donuts and a pizza place.
15. I love that you can be jaywalking across a boulevard--a right of passage for a New Yorker-- and glance up to see a sea of bodies doing the same.
16. I love that women of all socio-economic levels dress themselves as if constantly on parade.
17. I love the fact the city looks even more mysterious and beautiful on the grayest of days.
18. I love looking out our apartment window at dusk, noticing all the other lit windows, reminding you that you are hardly alone.
19. I love playing tennis under a strange looking dome underneath the 59th Street Bridge.
20. I love that a walk to a bus or subway may mean a slight sprint to reach the vehicle in question, even in four inch heels.
21. And I love, more than anything, just walking, taking in all of the city, the people, the stores, the sights, the smells of Gyro cars, and just knowing that this is where I was meant to live.

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