Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Gloomy Weather

When I lived in London, it seemed rain, or the ever present drizzle, was just a part of the landscape as much as Big Ben and the Tower of London. Today is the first day of rain since our arrival to the City. With the grayness and the moisture is the reminder of the season's imminent change. The changes will serve as the backdrop to all the seasonal holidays that seem to hurtle toward us, gathering speed. Fall, my favorite season, will be something I will experience here in a long time. And the holidays in the city will, hopefully, be all that I remembered from childhood. I hope these experiences will be unforgettable for our son.

The move here, putting us closer to our families, has changed the dynamic of these relationships. It will complicate already complicated unions, all of it good and bad. We can no longer dictate the tenor of these relationships, using distance was the armor against the complexities that seems inherent in each and every family. Although we are aware of how much messier this will all be for us, we welcome the messiness. Isn't that what families are? Intermingled relationships that are tenuous, fragile, and exhilarating.

It seems fitting that today, of all days, is gloomy. Each channel here are broadcasting the memorial service where the victims names are read in alphabetical order.

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