Friday, August 3, 2007

Star Sightings on MVY

During our first year on the island, we took a tour on a bus, not because we wanted to go on a tour, but because the bus was air conditioned, the island suffering an unusual heatwave. On this tour we learned a few things of historical relevance about the island, but the driver, one of those charming New Englanders with an even more charming accent, was obsessed with James Taylor and Carly Simon--both island residents. Therefore, everything was in relation to Taylor or Simon. "Carly Simon's tour manager's house over there, James Taylor's roadie's house to the left, etc." It was beyond funny since Taylor and Simon have long fallen off the radar in the world of celebritydom. Yes, they do still have houses here. So, since this blog is titled Star Sightings, here goes my list of "Celebrities" on the island: Carly Simon, James Taylor, Mike Wallace--does he classify as celebrity?--, Jim Belushi, Ted Danson, and the newest resident, Meg Ryan.

I'm always a bit taken back when I see celebrities here, those creatures I associate with Hollywood. Ray Romano was in our bagel shop, hair longer than he wears on his show, ordering bagels. The owner was not impressed with him, treating him as gruffly as he treated everyone else. This island seems an odd choice for those who love being stalked, spotted, and documented. It is an island, after all, hardly an easy place to get to. And even the ferocity of those photographers must have their limits since their movements here do not end up on the pages of US Weekly, yet. Unlike the Hamptons, there is very little in the way of fine dining or entertainment, which leads me to wonder what they do here when they're here?

Meg Ryan bought a place on Chappaquidick. She has been spotted, including twice by me, with a retinue that includes her newly adopted Chinese daughter, babysitter, and assistant. Given the number of handlers with her, you would think she was someone really important, right? But that's Hollywood for you. The Industry seems to make sensible, able bodied adults into nearly drooling incapable infants, who are in constant need of 'care taking.'

It is rumored Hillary Clinton is to arrive this month for a round of fund raisers, which means the traffic will be horrendous up island. The Clinton's made this island famous during the Monica Lewinsky scandal when they decamped for the Vineyard to stay with their good friend, Vernon Jordon, who has a large spread up island. I believe Jessie Jackson arrived to offer them counseling during this crisis in their marriage, and for the country.

The celebrities don't hold much fascination for me. I did just leave the land of Celebritydom! After all of those years in LA, the one thing you learn is how much an illusion all of it is, really. Anyone can look good if you had people cooking for you, making you run, doing your hair, picking out your outfits, putting on make up, and prompting you in what you should say. With so much help, how could you not look good, sound semi-intelligent, and be thin? For those celebrities that implode, there is very little pity since they are surrounded, I mean surrounded, by people whose job it is to insure they stay primped and ready to be photographed.

The other thing that is fascinating about these 'celebrities' is how they behave when they're here. First of all, the invisible shield of 'get away from me' is the size of a helium balloon. Why come to be with us, regular folks, if you don't want to have anything to do with us? The contradictions of what drove them to fame and what drives them to seek solitude here is beyond schizophrenic. I'm sure one of the reasons why this island appealed to them was its 'normalcy.' Despite this being the main draw, they are incapable of being normal. This doesn't include those long time residents of the island, who are at ease with the ways of this small place. They don't wear that look of 'get away from me,' but are comfortable being seen and usually ignored or unrecognized by the rest of us. They, like the rest of us, settle into routines and leisure activities.

I doubt the new crop of celebrities, the Lindsay Lohans of the world, would find this place appealing since there are no star studded parties like on the Hamptons. But then maybe next summer season will see a new crop of celebrities trying to be "normal," while dragging their nannies, assistants, hair dresser, and stylist here for a little R & R.

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