Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Lobster Dinners--Summer Friends

My friend, a summer friend really, has had us over to dinner for the last two nights since she is leaving tomorrow. We had met three years ago when my son was a toddler. In fact, we met in the kids play area of Logan Airport, a haven during those lay overs from the Vineyard to our connecting flights back to LA. She and I spoke briefly that day. A year later, she saw us at the Flying Horses, the carousel in our town, and reintroduced herself. She admitted rather sheepishly that she had taken a picture of my son without my knowledge that day because he looks so much like her sister. Well, that summer we got to know one another. Each summer brings a new level of knowledge about ourselves and our lives. During the year, we keep in touch via email. It is the perfect summer friendship with no expectations or responsibilities other than seeing one another once we get on to the island.

We've been here long enough to have amassed a small circle of summer friends. These relationships don't require much tending during the year when all of us resume our normal lives. Yet, they are as much a part of this landscape of trees and sea. We meet at the beach, our conversations one long strand. Each of us remember tidbits about each other's lives, each year adding a bit more to our connection. It is much like the friendships you make during summer camp, but obviously we are adults, or so we pretend.

The table last night was covered in newspaper. The lobsters in a big bowl. Our menu was a hodge podge of stuff each of us had in our fridge. Our kids ate, ran outside, and played. It's funny how all of those worries for the safety of our children gets relaxed when we're here. In LA, I would never have thought about letting our son be outside by himself unless it was in our yard, which was gated, and therefore protected. Last night, the adults sat and talked, drinking our wine as our kids' shrieks and voices came in through the screen door. I know all of this is a far cry from what it will be like in New York City. But it is yet another element of our summers here, as much as those lobster dinners that we enjoy.

1 comment:

Jason h said...

Hey! i'm going to cali this sunday.. gonna be there for a week, this is the site i was talking about where i made the extra cash. later!